Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day #26!!!

Hi Everyone,
It's been about 9 days since I last blogged... The diet has been going well so far. I'm maintaining my weight loss but really struggling to lose any new weight. I've lost 20 pounds total. I had to finally go on with my 17 minutes of exercise a day. That seems to be helping me to further my weight loss. I'm struggling with getting used to the fact that I can have other new foods on my high calorie days. Things like potatoes and rice are some things that I don't miss but I am so happy that I can have. I'm looking forward to the fact that I will be able in 8 days to have bread and lunch meat! I have a function at the President of my college's house. I have decided that I will have one glass of red wine and allow myself to sparingly enjoy the hor d'oeuvres on Monday. So I will be breaking the diet for one 2-hour period but I will be going right back to it on Tues.
For all those people who have started this, I am so happy that maybe I could have been an inspiration for you to start this diet. For all of you thinking of starting this diet...Please do! The benefits outweigh all the sacrifices that you have to make! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Dieting!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 17!!!!

Whoooooo! I made it... Day #17! Alright so now that I'm done with the first 17 days, I'm really nervous about doing one day on the Activate Cycle (2) and the next day on Accelerate Cycle (2). Then I alternate for the next 17 days. I can now eat shellfish, lean beef, pork chops, and lamb. Plus I can now have potatoes, whole grain oatmeal, and some other natural starches (before 2:00pm). Everything else stays the same. Soy milk can now be added to my drinks of choice.
So now that I'm done describing the second cycle I'm sure you all want to see pictures...Those are coming as soon as I figure out where the cord is to hook my camera up (yea I'm not an avid picture taker like someone else I know).
What am I forgetting...Besides being so excited about joining the world of regular food...Oh I guess you all want to know what my final weight was today, huh? I stepped on the scale and drum roll, please....I weighed 307 pounds!!! That means I lost 17 pounds in 17 days!!! Sorry I'm a little excited.
My clothes fit better, I sleep better and I have energy throughout the whole day! I also have a couple of people that I work with started and they are seeing drastic amounts of weight loss. So it's never too late to get started. I hope that my journey is motivating you guys to get started on your own.
Here's to the next 17 days. I will do my best to do continue to blog but we know how busy I get during the school year. Happy Dieting!