Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 15

Well only 2 more days in this cycle. I weighed myself on Friday and had lost an additional pound. I went into this thinking that this would be a good thing for me to do. After the first 17 days, I am feeling amazing and thinking that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I made some tough decisions over the last week. Part of doing this for me was a way to get rid of some old stresses in my life and to release some of the grudges that I have been holding onto. I'm hoping that saying sorry in one case will really make a huge difference. I think when we are in situations we forget that our feelings aren't always the ones that get hurt. So in an effort to try to mend old wounds I'm gonna say sorry to someone that I once cared a lot about.
I also let go of a relationship that I had been holding onto. I was hoping and praying that I could fix whatever was going on between the 2 of us. But in a moment of clarity I decided that it would be good for the both of us to move on. That was really a hard thing for me to do and in the end I took being called something because I knew that there was a lot of hurt coming from the other person but I knew that it was something that I had to do for me.
The reason why I'm talking about these things in a a couple posts about a diet is for me it was some things that I had to do in order to heal some old wounds so that they wouldn't become substitutes for me to begin emotionally eating again. So although both of those things are causing me tremendous stress I'm going to press on.
I'm sure I've mentioned this in my previous posts but my goal is to lose 100 pounds. For some of you who don't know me...Losing 100 pounds might seem like it's something that I can't accomplish or that I don't need to accomplish. I'm gonna try to stay on this and I only have 89 pounds left to go.
I'm almost out of dark chocolate and decided that I'm not gonna buy any more. I found the Trivia on sale this week at CVS for $2.99...which is practically a steal. So I am doing good but looking forward to adding in more foods. Final weigh in will be on Tuesday with pictures...Give me some direction on how I should take those, please...then off to Cycle 2! Happy Dieting!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 11

Hi again! I am so happy that you guys are traveling on this journey with me. I have really tried to give details and what I have been feeling over the last couple days. I am down 4 more pounds to bring it to a grand total of 14 pounds over 3 weeks. Roughly around 10 pounds in 11 days.
Today I tried to do that work out to see how I would feel. I did 17 minutes of a mixed run/walk (one of my fav workouts) and then stretched. Not only did my morning start off with some jump rope and running to demonstrate to one of my athletes what she needed to do but I added in work out time. I wanted to see what would happen if i worked out for the next 6 days.
So today my weight was 310! Wooooo! I swear I am loving this more and more. I know that there was a request for pictures and I'll do that on Day 17 so that you can see the dramatic weight loss that I've experienced. My clothes are beginning to look better and I was able to put something on that I hadn't been able to wear since I bought it today.
Things are going well and I'm so excited for the next 17 day cycle where I can add in more foods and really test myself. I have really been avoiding social situations involving food for the last 11 days because I'm not sure that I can continue on with this in that type of setting. Tonight is my first chance at doing that. I'm going to the movies with my roommate. Movie theater filled with lots of popcorn, chocolate, candy and all the things that I love that got me to 324 pounds. I'm hoping that it will be a success! More about that next time! Happy Dieting!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Days 6-10

Hi Everyone! I hope that you are having a great week and had a great weekend.
I made it through a couple more days. I allowed myself to buy some dark chocolate finally. I need it it's definitely PMS time so I can have the dark chocolate, 1 oz of it until I'm no longer craving chocolate. Hoping that this is the last day that I'm craving it.
I have really been doing a good job and am really proud of myself. I actually ventured out into the world of fast food today. I got a spicy chicken caesar salad and dipped my salad in the dressing instead of pouring it all over. I got a compliment on Day 9 about how much smaller I looked. It was the first time that it happened. I've also noticed that if I'm eating something that I shouldn't my stomach sure let's me know.
My food choices haven't really branched out that much. I had some collard greens that I've added in to give myself another option. I have realized how expensive it is to eat healthy but I think that it's a investment that I am willing to take. I've even convinced one of the ladies that works at the college with me to try this diet. I will do a weigh in tomorrow! I am thinking thin and imagining what I will look like a little smaller. My goal weight is 220 lbs. That means that overall I would lose 100 lbs. I think that I can do it, just hoping that once school starts back I will be able to make smart food choices in the cafeteria.
Here's to 6 more days! Then off to Cycle 2: Activate. The first cycle is called Accelerate! I feel my body accelerating to skinny!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Days 4 & 5

Well I finally broke down today for the sweetness of some chocolate covered almonds. Let me tell you that my stomach was not happy. I have been craving just a little chocolate since I started this diet. I will not be having any more until I have a day off of the diet in 12 more days.
I have been doing pretty good with my food choices. Yesterday I had eggs and strawberries for breakfast. Yogurt x2 was my snack. I missed lunch but had leftover fried Tilapia and steamed broccoli for dinner.
Today, eggs and strawberries again for breakfast. I had 2 yogurts for both of my snacks and had a big delicious salad for lunch. I made turkey burgers with spicy brown mustard and pickles along with another side salad.
I finally discovered Trivia, the suggested sweetener and it made the green tea very delicious. So I will continue to press on. Decided that I will not weigh in again until day 10 since I was behind on the initial weigh in.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day #3

Well today is day 3 of this lovely diet. I weighed in at 313 pounds. I weighed myself before leaving to go home 2 weeks ago and I weighed in at 324 pounds. So that's down 11 pounds at least this month.
Today was a good day. I got a lot done and got some amazing news from the Boss Man! I love that he values me enough to keep me sane and happy so that I don't go anywhere.
Alright so I'm really getting into a routine with my food choices. I even ventured out to some different veggies than what I normally eat. MMMM...Cucumbers! Taste like tangy water lol.
Activia Yogurt
1/2 Orange
Activia Yogurt
Spinach salad with cheesoning, Fat-free Creamy Italian Dressing, cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots
Fried Tilapia (fried in Olive Oil with Cajun Seasoning)
Repeat Spinach salad
I of course had green tea with all my meals and drank all of my water. The hot lemon water was not amazing this morning.. It really made my stomach upset so I only drank half of it. Overall another great food day!
Here's to Day 4

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day #2

Alright so Day 2 started off really well. Today was a day of simple meals. I made it to the doctor's office which I thought I was doing good by being 5 minutes early...turns out that I was 25 minutes late...OOOPS! So I had to reschedule my appointment for Wed. Sucks having to move the appointment. So no weight and I forgot to do it while I was at work today. Thing to do tomorrow...
Today's Menu:
Breakfast (1,3)
Activia Yogurt
1/2 Orange
Green Tea
Snack 1
1/2 Orange
Snack 2
Activia Yogurt
Lunch (1,3)
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
Green Tea
Dinner (1,3)
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
Green Tea

So I wasn't really adventurous with my meal planning today. I'm gonna try for some variety tomorrow. It will be a big fish day! I picked up some seasoning which I need to double check for carbs. The one thing that I forgot to mention yesterday is that when you wake up in the morning the first thing your supposed to do is have an 8-oz glass of warm water with half of a fresh squeezed lemon to get your fat burning juices going.
I'm gonna be honest green tea is not that delicious with no sugar. I'm trying different varieties to see if they taste better. So far the best is the Lemon & Honey. I'm hoping that I get used to the whole green tea.
Again today, all I've done is go to the potty! But I got my water in and still lacking on the 17 minutes of working out. I am really full after meals and not wanting for anything except sugar, chocolate, and carbs!!!! But I'm gonna fight the wants and just really try to make a lifestyle change. Here's to Day 3!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day #1

Alright, so I made it through Day 1, barely...
All I've thought about today is chocolate, sugar, coffee, and pop. I have peed roughly 15 times since I woke up this morning (definitely losing water weight). I think I followed the Hunger/Fullness Meter to a T! The one thing that I wasn't expecting was to feel so full after meals and for the couple hours following. No starving myself on this diet.
What did I have to eat today you ask?
Breakfast (1 & 3)
2 eggs with Black Pepper and Cheesoning
1 cup of Strawberries
1 cup of Green Tea
Activia Vanilla Yogurt
Spinach Salad with broccoli, 1 can of tuna, and fat-free Italian
1 cup of Green Tea
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
1 cup of Green Tea
Activia Vanilla Yogurt

So I missed out on my 2nd serving of fruit because it was after 2pm after I tried to eat it. I think that this might work for me. Doctor's appointment tomorrow...dun dun dun! Time to get on the scale. This will be my first time on the scale for almost a month. I will be weighing myself on day 7, day 14 and again on day 17. I will be checking in tomorrow night. Until then Happy Dieting!

17-Day Diet...WHAT!?!

While eating my breakfast this morning I came up with a brilliant idea...I'm going to blog my way through the next 17 days while I am on the 17 day diet. I am going to try to be as candid as possible about my feelings and missteps over the next 17 days.
The 17-day diet book says that I should lose 10-12 pounds over the next 17 days. Wait...10-12 pounds over the next 2 weeks and 3 days? 10-12 pounds in just over 2 weeks...I don't know anyone that could pass on that. How did I get to this idea...My cousin and my aunt were visiting from ATL last week and were on this (it of course got ruined by all the delicious T-Town food). So here I am about ready to embark on this journey.
Here are the basics of this diet:
1. Proteins must be lean (chicken, fish, turkey)
2. 2 eggs/day
3. No fruit after 2:00pm and only 2 servings (NOOOOOOOOOOO! I love fruit especially because it's a way to get sugar...see #4)
4. No sugar, sweets, or refined carbs...
5. Use Hunger/Fullness Meter (2 & 4 are bad!!)
- 1. I'm a little hungry; my stomach feels as hollow as the promises of a politician
- 2. I'm so hungry I could eat the lining of an empty Spam can. My stomach growling so loud it scared off a junkyard dog. I've got to get something to eat and fast.
- 3. I am starting to feel full. I will stop now so that I can save on my grocery bill.
- 4. I'm so stuffed I'll have to waddle over to the couch to collapse.
6. Avoid Alcohol (I can handle this no drinking for 17 days)
7. Drink eight 8-oz glasses of pure water a day (tea and coffee though water based do not count!)
8. Probiotic foods are your friends.
- yogurt, Kefir, Yakult, Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
9. Eat as many veggies as you like!
10. Seasonings are allowed. But Fat-free dressings are a must (which are really difficult to find)
So my thought about starting this diet...
I am so excited to have the possibility to see a drastic weight change. One of my hold ups with doing a diet is that I have to eat bland food and miss out on all the good things for an extended period of time before I see any results. So the fact that I can see results in 5 days, 2 weeks, 17 days really appeals to me.
I was reading through the book and after reading a section in the book where it talks about feeling more sexy and becoming more dateable this really appealed to me. I haven't had the best luck in the dating category over the last couple years and I've said more over the last couple months I wonder what would happen if I weighed 200 lbs.
Another portion is that you need to visualize what you would look like thin...Insert here fantasy of being able to wear a bikini and shopping where ever I want...hmm...
So here I go... I invite you to take this journey with me if you are so inclined. I would love to have people to keep me accountable and for me to help accountable as I go through the next 17 days! Today is Day 1, more on that to come!