Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 15

Well only 2 more days in this cycle. I weighed myself on Friday and had lost an additional pound. I went into this thinking that this would be a good thing for me to do. After the first 17 days, I am feeling amazing and thinking that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I made some tough decisions over the last week. Part of doing this for me was a way to get rid of some old stresses in my life and to release some of the grudges that I have been holding onto. I'm hoping that saying sorry in one case will really make a huge difference. I think when we are in situations we forget that our feelings aren't always the ones that get hurt. So in an effort to try to mend old wounds I'm gonna say sorry to someone that I once cared a lot about.
I also let go of a relationship that I had been holding onto. I was hoping and praying that I could fix whatever was going on between the 2 of us. But in a moment of clarity I decided that it would be good for the both of us to move on. That was really a hard thing for me to do and in the end I took being called something because I knew that there was a lot of hurt coming from the other person but I knew that it was something that I had to do for me.
The reason why I'm talking about these things in a a couple posts about a diet is for me it was some things that I had to do in order to heal some old wounds so that they wouldn't become substitutes for me to begin emotionally eating again. So although both of those things are causing me tremendous stress I'm going to press on.
I'm sure I've mentioned this in my previous posts but my goal is to lose 100 pounds. For some of you who don't know me...Losing 100 pounds might seem like it's something that I can't accomplish or that I don't need to accomplish. I'm gonna try to stay on this and I only have 89 pounds left to go.
I'm almost out of dark chocolate and decided that I'm not gonna buy any more. I found the Trivia on sale this week at CVS for $2.99...which is practically a steal. So I am doing good but looking forward to adding in more foods. Final weigh in will be on Tuesday with pictures...Give me some direction on how I should take those, please...then off to Cycle 2! Happy Dieting!

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