Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Adventure

After many years of trying to decide if my health was important enough for me to do something about it, I have decided to join people at work in a "Biggest Loser" type competition.

This was really brought on by a conversation that I had during my Dallas Weekend. I had an amazing talk with Heather about dating, my weight, and my dreams of having a family one day. It really prompted me to be proactive about myself (Thanks, Heather). Don't get me wrong, it's not because I don't love myself the way that I am...because I do. I have accomplished so much in my life. I have a Master's degree, a great job, tons of great friends, and I think I'm attractive and funny.

So I began last week and lost 14 lbs and 3 inches in one week! Can you believe that!!!!??? I held down my excitement but all I wanted to do was jump up and down and yell! So I got back to work this week, or I'm at least trying. It's hard when you are back home with nowhere to work out!

If you are interested in joining in with us let me know and I will make sure to include you. If nothing else but to make yourselves more healthy! Look forward to post more about my time at home and my upcoming trip!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Are you just working out and eating less?
