Saturday, January 1, 2011


Wow... a new year, already! 2010 seemed to go by so fast. Who would have thought that this year would be one of the most challenging in my life. But now I look to 2011 for a brand new start. This year for me is going to be about personal growth. You really learn a lot about yourself from the people that are in your life and ultimately the people you seem to lose touch with as time goes by.

My New Year's Resolution is really something that I really debated about. Everyone looks at this as a way to keep yourself motivated throughout the whole year, when in reality it really just keeps you motivated until February or March for those of us who are true die hards. So what is/are my resolution(s), you ask...

1. Continue to work out at least 3 days/week.
2. Begin saving money for rainy days/vacations/miscellaneous.
3. Pay down some debt so that I can really work towards family and homeownership.
4.Take the time so that the people that are in my life that mean a lot to me, know that they do.
5. Value the friendships that I have, both old and new.

Now the key is going to be to remain accountable. So I ask my friends out there in blog land to really help me. For those of you that are struggling with any resolutions that you might have I will be more than happy to be that source of accountability for you as well.

Here's to a great year!

Live Laugh Love

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