Sunday, July 17, 2011

17-Day Diet...WHAT!?!

While eating my breakfast this morning I came up with a brilliant idea...I'm going to blog my way through the next 17 days while I am on the 17 day diet. I am going to try to be as candid as possible about my feelings and missteps over the next 17 days.
The 17-day diet book says that I should lose 10-12 pounds over the next 17 days. Wait...10-12 pounds over the next 2 weeks and 3 days? 10-12 pounds in just over 2 weeks...I don't know anyone that could pass on that. How did I get to this idea...My cousin and my aunt were visiting from ATL last week and were on this (it of course got ruined by all the delicious T-Town food). So here I am about ready to embark on this journey.
Here are the basics of this diet:
1. Proteins must be lean (chicken, fish, turkey)
2. 2 eggs/day
3. No fruit after 2:00pm and only 2 servings (NOOOOOOOOOOO! I love fruit especially because it's a way to get sugar...see #4)
4. No sugar, sweets, or refined carbs...
5. Use Hunger/Fullness Meter (2 & 4 are bad!!)
- 1. I'm a little hungry; my stomach feels as hollow as the promises of a politician
- 2. I'm so hungry I could eat the lining of an empty Spam can. My stomach growling so loud it scared off a junkyard dog. I've got to get something to eat and fast.
- 3. I am starting to feel full. I will stop now so that I can save on my grocery bill.
- 4. I'm so stuffed I'll have to waddle over to the couch to collapse.
6. Avoid Alcohol (I can handle this no drinking for 17 days)
7. Drink eight 8-oz glasses of pure water a day (tea and coffee though water based do not count!)
8. Probiotic foods are your friends.
- yogurt, Kefir, Yakult, Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
9. Eat as many veggies as you like!
10. Seasonings are allowed. But Fat-free dressings are a must (which are really difficult to find)
So my thought about starting this diet...
I am so excited to have the possibility to see a drastic weight change. One of my hold ups with doing a diet is that I have to eat bland food and miss out on all the good things for an extended period of time before I see any results. So the fact that I can see results in 5 days, 2 weeks, 17 days really appeals to me.
I was reading through the book and after reading a section in the book where it talks about feeling more sexy and becoming more dateable this really appealed to me. I haven't had the best luck in the dating category over the last couple years and I've said more over the last couple months I wonder what would happen if I weighed 200 lbs.
Another portion is that you need to visualize what you would look like thin...Insert here fantasy of being able to wear a bikini and shopping where ever I want...hmm...
So here I go... I invite you to take this journey with me if you are so inclined. I would love to have people to keep me accountable and for me to help accountable as I go through the next 17 days! Today is Day 1, more on that to come!


  1. O.M.Geezus. Good for you girl, and good luck! I did a little Atkins-esque stint for a couple of motnhs before the cruise, and it was HARD at first, but then really easy and I felt SO good cutting the carbs. Then it all went to shit. PLEASE inspire me over the next 17 days. I am just trying to hang on until Tyler leaves, and then I need to make a decision to DO SOMETHING GOOD for my body, or I just know that all hell is going to break loose. Love you!

  2. I will do my best to motivate you. It should be an interesting ride...Like I said all I thought about for the first day was chocolate, chips and pop. But I get to add foods in after the first 17 days so we will see what that includes! You should totally join in with me! You don't have to wait for Ty to leave.
