Monday, July 18, 2011

Day #2

Alright so Day 2 started off really well. Today was a day of simple meals. I made it to the doctor's office which I thought I was doing good by being 5 minutes early...turns out that I was 25 minutes late...OOOPS! So I had to reschedule my appointment for Wed. Sucks having to move the appointment. So no weight and I forgot to do it while I was at work today. Thing to do tomorrow...
Today's Menu:
Breakfast (1,3)
Activia Yogurt
1/2 Orange
Green Tea
Snack 1
1/2 Orange
Snack 2
Activia Yogurt
Lunch (1,3)
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
Green Tea
Dinner (1,3)
Lemon Pepper Chicken
Steamed Broccoli
Green Tea

So I wasn't really adventurous with my meal planning today. I'm gonna try for some variety tomorrow. It will be a big fish day! I picked up some seasoning which I need to double check for carbs. The one thing that I forgot to mention yesterday is that when you wake up in the morning the first thing your supposed to do is have an 8-oz glass of warm water with half of a fresh squeezed lemon to get your fat burning juices going.
I'm gonna be honest green tea is not that delicious with no sugar. I'm trying different varieties to see if they taste better. So far the best is the Lemon & Honey. I'm hoping that I get used to the whole green tea.
Again today, all I've done is go to the potty! But I got my water in and still lacking on the 17 minutes of working out. I am really full after meals and not wanting for anything except sugar, chocolate, and carbs!!!! But I'm gonna fight the wants and just really try to make a lifestyle change. Here's to Day 3!

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