Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dallas- Friday

I traveled to Dallas this weekend for a wedding of one of my best friends from college, Bastian. We all (Heather, Brandon, Bastian, and I) met when I worked football at Iowa State. And we became fast friends, pretty much inseparable for the next 3 years. During this time we all became close with each other's families and eventually spread out across the country and world. Myself to Vermont, Brandon to San Diego, Heather to Wichita, and Bastian back to Germany. Which takes us to this weekend...

The "Dallas wedding" was to take place on Saturday. This was a substitute wedding for those people who meant a lot to Bastian and Nicole who might not be able to make it to Germany in April when the official ceremony would be taking place. I began my travels on Friday morning at 2:30 am, driving through the mountains and fog of Vermont and New Hampshire.

moose Crossing Sign
I even saw 3 or 4 of these. Really!! Moose Crossings?!?! But I eventually after 2.5 hours of driving up and down made it to Manchester, NH to fly down to Dallas. After arriving, I was greeted by a huge guy running at me! It scared me but then I realized it was my friend Bastian. After grabbing a quick lunch we returned to the airport to meet up with Brandon who had just arrived from San Diego. Wow what a California boy he has become...

After picking him up we headed to the hotel to check in and meet up with the Kansas crew (Heather, Tyler, her parents and the kids) and everyone else. We hung out at the hotel and got settled in our rooms, had preliminary catch-ups. Off to dinner we went!

We went to a cool little place called Gordon Biersch for the "Rehersal Dinnner". It was a new restaurant to the Dallas area. After eating and drinking a bunch of food and commenting on the abundance of garlic in their fries...we returned to the the "Suite of fun" to enjoy each other's company!

Many of us applied our "game faces" and enjoyed the talking, laughing, and having "adult conversations." John and Alyssa joined us at the hotel with their little guy. John is another one of my football player friends. Alyssa has been adopted into our group because of being married to John. After much discussion we decided that we should begin to have get togethers every year in different locations so that we can see each other more. It began to get late so we decided to go to bed and get ready for the ceremony the next day!

To be continued....

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