Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day of Reflection...

I thought that I would start a blog like everyone else in my life! Today is my birthday and although I have lots of depressing thoughts about turning 25, I guess I should be happy that I made it this far in my life and have accomplished most things that I have wanted to...
I made it to 25 with a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree, and a great job that I love coming to everyday.

I have great friends and family, that have been there for me through all the tough times in my life. To all those that have been a part of the last 25 years...thank you and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am so lucky compared to others that I know...
Happy Birthday to me! I look forward to seeing what this day brings me!


  1. What the hell are you depressed about? You're 25 and smokin'... remember??? :P

  2. No I don't remember...musta been one of those comments when I had my "game face" on this weekend?

  3. Happy Birthday Ashley! Welcome to blogging! I have had a blog for 4 years now! It's a fun way to keep in touch :)

    - Kim (www.ilaxstudio.com/blog)
