Friday, November 27, 2009


After the long night of talking, we reconvened in the lobby...our makeshift hangout place for the weekend. We were late getting down to breakfast because some person in my room took an extremely long time to get ready and so we were 15 minutes late...that's neither here nor there.

We decided to walk to breakfast because it was right around the corner. Off we went...We ended up at a little diner-like place called the Oasis Restaurant and proceeded to have a fantastic breakfast. I of course opted for the usual fanfare (pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns) while some of my other counterparts took in some spicy eggs and breakfast burritos. We finished breakfast without any major catastrophes from the kids and set off to go back to the hotel. We decided from there to go to Heather's and my favorite store Target and see what the Dallas one had to offer. We of course drug Brandon along with us, with promises of movies or shoes or something...None the less we had a successful trip at Target plus me making Sassy cry...I really didn't do anything to her...I promise! We stopped to make sure we had enough to proceed with our "game faces" and returned to the hotel to get dressed for the big ceremony.

Brandon, Bastian, Alyssa, John, and I all made it to the beautiful house where the ceremony was to take place. We ate and drank while we waited for everyone else to join us. Soon it was time for the ceremony to start. Because Bastian and Nicole aren't traditional people, we did not know what to expect from the ceremony. But it was fast and we all got to take a part in it. Here are some pictures taken by Brandon because I got to weld Heather's camera because she was the "surprise Best Man":

The 3 beautiful ladies pre-ceremony

In the midst of vows/promises...Not kidding this was the fastest ceremony ever. Only took about 5 minutes just the way they wanted.

Heather doing her "Best Man" duties.

Finally the kiss!!!
After the Teary Toasts...which if you don't know this about me, I cry about everything. Someone could tell me that a dog died on the side of the road and start cry and therefore so would I...Anyway...after everyone cried and ate delicious cake. We proceeded out to the front yard where there was a "special surprise" for all of us...

Sassy was the first to have a go at it and she was really excited!!

Then it was Nicole's turn to "Beat her Groom"

After all the excitement we piled into cars and headed to dinner...I don't know how many of you have heard of a Brazilian Steakhouse but it might have been one...well the best meal of my life.
I'll fill you in on the concept...#1 begin with a salad bar full of marinaded mushrooms (eww fungus), asparagus as big as a banana and other assorted salads. #2 they come to your table with 16 different meat choices, yes I said 16 and yes i probably ate at least 10 of them. #3 Save room for desert because you will be having that as well...By the way, I forgot to mention that all of this is as much as you can eat. So if you eat 20 lbs of meat so be it. After eating all of this food we proceded back to the hotel, although we wanted to hang out and talk some more we just were too tired after the food and the long day...
I apologize for the length...more to come about Sunday

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