Friday, November 27, 2009

Dallas- Sunday

I'm trying to learn the properness of blogging...I realize that it's almost a week later and I'm blogging about last weekend still...but anyway...Onward to Sunday. After having a fitful sleep, I'm totally blaming it on the meat...We went down to say good bye to John and Alyssa as they would be the first to leave. Because we were all hungry we decided to take a ride over to McDonald's and grab some food. There we said goodbye to John, Alyssa, and (not so) Little R. I did an amazing job holding back the tears!

We went back to the hotel and talked about keeping in touch better, planning for the wedding and really just spending the last couple hours together. There were lots of jokes and torture going on. From there we all checked out of the hotel and made our way to a park for Sassy and Little A to expend some energy before their family headed back to Kansas and before we met Nicole and Bastian at Joe's Crab Shack!

We arrived at Joe's and waited patiently for Nicole, Bastian, Brandon, and Jaimie to show up. The girls took in the pond and we went inside to wait. Because I only had a couple hours left with them I was really trying to get in as much time with the girls as possible. They are my nieces and I love them to death. So finally the other half of our crew arrived and we sat ate and drank and attempted to watch as much football as we could. It was getting close to time to leave and so I snuck away to the bathroom...Upon my return I noticed the waitress had this shark on a stick. So of course because I was turning 25 on Tuesday they told the waitress and I had to ride around the restaurant on this thing. Of course I couldn't just ride in peace I had to say, "Yee-Haw, it's my birthday!" After that we all proceeded to say our goodbyes and depart to our final destinations...

Let's just say I was doing good until Sassy asked why I wasn't going with them to Kansas...I about lost it in the restaurant and had to tell her I would be seeing her soon...After leaving the restaurant I realized that I only had 35 minutes to get to the airport before my flight left. I of course was crying the entire way to the airport because I was sad to be leaving my friends and Brandon of course comforted me for the first 5 minutes and then fell asleep. As it turns out we were cutting it extremely close. My flight left in 35 minutes and I was nervous that I wasn't gonna make it. Luckily for me I made it, checked in, and went through security with all of 5 minutes to spare.

I got on the plane and made a new friend. We talked about all kinds of things and about how our lives were and all the injustices of student loans. I eventually touched down in Manchester, NH and had to make the 2.5 hour trek back to Bennington. Luckily for me this time there was less fog and no rain...

It was a great weekend with friends and now the next step is to figure out a way to get to Germany for the German official wedding...

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